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  • Academic Enrichment Program (formerly pre-AP

    Academic Enrichment Program (formerly pre-AP

    With a reputation for academic excellence, Parkview School is pleased to offer the Academic Enrichment Program for junior high students. This program provides coordinated, rich and exciting curriculum, helping students develop analytical thinking and writing skills. At Parkview, the Academic Enrichment programming approach is an appropriate and optimal learning environment for motivated and engaged students.  We use the "Scope and Sequence" documents that were developed by Edmonton Public to ensure the students are receiving the richest possible program. The entrance process to this program occurs as part of the pre-enrollment process during the spring of each school year.  Grade 7 is the only entry point for this program.





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  • Chinese Bilingual Program

    Chinese Bilingual Program

    The junior high Chinese Bilingual program is for students with considerable Chinese language background as a continuation of the curriculum taught from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The goal of this program is to refine and further develop students' communicative competency in Mandarin. Culture introduction and appreciation, craft making, etc. are parts of the curriculum.  Students receive Mandarin programming in Chinsese Language Arts as well as Math.

    Chinese Bilingual and the Jinan Foreign Language School:  We are pleased to continue our partnership with Jinan Foreign Language School!  Through this partnership both schools are able to share experiences, expertise, culture and language.  Thank you to Jinan Foreign Language School for this invaluable opportunity!






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    Junior high Intramurals run September through June, Monday to Friday from 12:50 to 1:10 p.m. The activities are organized by grade. Students receive sign-up sheets in their physical education classes. Intramural activities include basketball, soccer, floor hockey, badminton and volleyball.

    Parkview School has many different clubs to be offered, for both elementary and jr. high students. These clubs are extra-curricular and run during lunches and after school. The clubs that are offered, but not limited to, include:


    • Social Justice Club
    • Art Club
    • Anime Club
    • Film Study Club
    • Chess Club
    • Glee Club
    • Drama Club
    • Elementary Choir
    • Peer Support
    • Book Club
    • Jazz Band
    • Ski and Snowboard Club
    • Chinese Lion Dance


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  • School Profile

    School Profile

    Parkview School is located in central West Edmonton. We have a student population of approximately 615 students from Kindergarten to Grade 9 and we offer a variety of programs to meet the needs of a range of students.

    The elementary community draws directly from the Parkview neighbourhood.  In Junior High, less than 30% of the student population originates in the immediate neighborhood. The rest of the designated junior high area is from West Edmonton areas including Lymburn, Aldergrove, Thorncliffe, James Gibbons and Lynnwood Schools. In addition, our Chinese (Mandarin) Program draws students from the Bilingual programs at Meadowlark and Dovercourt, while our Interactions program serves students in transportation zone 4.


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Labour Action Updates

Support staff with the Division served notice to begin a strike Monday, January 13, 2025. Get updates.



Welcome to the Home of the Panthers!

Parkview is an inclusive, community school serving a population of approximately 615 students in kindergarten through grade 9.  We work hard to create a strong culture of support and a feeling of family for our students in their home away from home.  Our motto is “No reward without effort” and it speaks to our belief that hard work drives success.  Starting at grade 7, we offer the Chinese Bilingual Program and the Academic Enrichment programs.  Our school is also a Division site for the junior high Interactions program, serving students with Autism. Here at Parkview School, we are committed to the academic and personal success of all students. The success of our students depends on the cooperation and dedication of school staff, teachers, students, parents and the community. The high expectations we set at school lead to excellent results for all our students, both in school and in the community.

Open House for the 2025-2026 School Year:

Families who are considering registration for their child(ren) for the 2025-2026 school year are invited to our Open House evening on Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 6:00-8:00pm.

Kindergarten information session 6:15-6:45pm

Chinese Bilingual information session 6:45-7:15pm

Jr High Academic Enrichment information session 7:15-7:45pm


2025-2026 Registrations:

Students currently enrolled in an EPSB school will pre-enroll on SchoolZone between February 3rd and March 19th, 2025. Parkview School will accept all students living within our elementary and jr high attendance areas and then, if we have space in planned classes, we will accept students living outside our attendance area.

If you are registering for Kindergarten or are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online

Junior High Options:

In Junior High, students have many complimentary courses (also known as options) to choose from in addition to the core subject areas.  The following is our current list of offerings:


Back to Basics

Band  See link to our Band website here



Learn to Lead

Outdoor Education


Visual communications/Photography

3d Printing

Students will have a chance to choose their options in May 2025 through a Google form that will be emailed to their student email address.

We hope you find a number of things here that interest you as you begin your Panther journey!





Principal's Message


Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Parkview School!

We are thrilled to welcome both new and returning students and their families to Parkview School.  Parkview School is an inviting and inclusive school community where diversity is celebrated and valued, and where relationships are nurtured. Emphasis is placed on creating an environment where students feel capable and connected and develop the skills required to be contributing members both in our school and in the broader community.

At Parkview School we believe that educating our students is a collective responsibility, shared by students and their families, school staff and also the entire community. Through a collaborative approach in working together with you as partners, we will maximize the potential of all students. We are committed to providing a positive learning environment that will foster and support high academic and behavioral expectations, capitalizing on the value of strong working relationships.

In an effort to ensure all students are successful, our teachers will use a differentiated approach to teaching. This approach includes thoughtful planning, strategic assessment of learning outcomes, and targeted, flexible instruction. Classroom teaching will be a blend of whole class, group, partner, and individual instruction. Students will be provided with multiple opportunities to make sense of ideas and information, practice new skills, and to demonstrate what they have learned.

Communication is key at Parkview School and is a shared responsibility.  Updates and information will be communicated mainly through the use of SchoolZone and students, parents and guardians are asked to check SchoolZone regularly. Also, feel free to drop by the school office and introduce yourself, share your feedback or concerns and ask any questions. Your questions, concerns, observations and feedback are welcomed and embraced so please connect with us by phone, email or in person at any time.

I look forward to an amazing year with our students, families and the entire Parkview Community!  

Joanne Aldridge
